Birthday Baby Pictures of Rube
We call him Eric and boy did I scanned a bunch of pictures today from his early years and am still not through. He was a beautiful baby
He is a nice looking man today.
Some of the pictures will not make any sense to someone who does not know him, so here goes. The one on the tricycle is one of his first wheels. Christmas was a big time for the two of them.
The second one is one of our many conversations. His first words were" good boy." when he was only a month or so old. Believe it or not.
The third is the lost bottle. It was very easy to give up the bottle and never asked for it again. He would go by the dishwasher and look at it and say The dishwasher ate my bottle. and walk off never cried and he threw his pacifier out of the bed and would not use it when he given it the first time. So we never had that problem.
The fourth is the bald head not growing hair very fast and his older brother who had a head of hair from day one. Mom laughing with them but Eric seems a little ill at ease. This was soon after Nick threw him out of the baby bed. He did not get hurt but he was leary of him for ages.
The last was taken Christmas still my baby. love mom