Trek Fever SeaTrek CruiseTrelk
In looking at some of the pictures I made on my voyages and cons with the Star Trek fandom I am amazed to see how much fun it was and wish I could capture all the good memories in my head. I find that in looking at the pictures I missed so much in memories now.
Thank goodness most of the best are in pictures. My "Where is Sylvia" was in one of my bunch of pictures albums. What a weird place to have pictures!
I am trying to get them organized so that I can put up some new posts. A friend of my grand daughters is a big trek fan and when he found out I had met Mr. Roddenberry my Gramme status went big time with him.
The picture of George and Mama walking down the street to catch the ferry back to the boat was pure elegant love of Son and Mother. I remember that day and we had already gotten on the ferry and when they made it the boat was full and before my friends and I could change places with them we had pulled away from the dock. It was raining and I have felt so bad about it.
George was one of the first stars I met and He was and is one of my favorites. Jimmy was in Atlanta after the 1st cruise and when he called me my son turned around and saw who it was and he looked like he was with a unknown person. Surely Scottie did not know his mom. Just an ordinary Star Trek fan.
The stars of that show are some of the nicest people you will ever hope to meet. They enjoyed or appeared to enjoy traveling as much as I did.
SeaTrek and Cruisetrek were the ones I traveled on. If you ever get a chance as I said before Go!