Computer ProblemsScotland Visit
I do not know what is happening but my web page from comcast .net is down and says it is being rebuilt.
If anyone can explain what is happening let me know. Network Solutions is the name using the rebuilding system and every language in the world is coming up on it.
Hard to work on this stuff like paying bills, getting the latest on this wonderful stupid running for president campaign going on here.
Even the pictures from South Dakota and the farm are not available.
My son is off to work. Michelle is off to work and here I sit ar 113am edst and can not get my mail out of the computer.
This has been going on since the new road being built within a mile of the house. This is the 1st time my site has gone down to be rebuilt.
Been planting flowers this year to see if I have any luck. I love roses and have never been able to grow them. Now that I am retired I finally got around to planting one or two.
O f course they will never look like the pictures on the web. But old ladies can dream.
Eric and Anna sent me a few pictures of their trip to Scotland. Now I know where I want to visit next.