Cowboys Aren't Sheepherders

Monday, March 06, 2006

Oscar Choice

Just a few of my favorite guys. Gary Allan Eric Heatherly Jonsey (so he is a cat) flowers at base of tree that surprise us every year since we moved in to this house Enjoy

It is with great joy I see them sheepherders lost. Enough said. John W can rest in peace again. Glenn F can herd his sheep with Shirley again. Old movies that entertained instead of upsetting an American Tradition.

Back to spring again. It is beautiful outside. The flowers are beginning to bloom and the bushes are springing to life with the small red flowers and yellow bells. Japanese Magnolias almost lost to frost but are doing just fine now, thank you.

Report of the birds. Bluebirds from Tennesse on their way home found a place in the backyard feeder to fatten up for the rest of the trip. They are the most beautiful of the smaller blue birds, not to be confused with the ever present Bluejay that lives around the feeder at all times of the year.

The dive bombing Humming Bird will be here in a few months. They get downright vicious if there is no red sweet juice hanging up for them. Of course they have to look out for the great yellow hunter, he is a sneaky cat, that lives here and hunts the poor chipmunks to death.



  • "And the Oscar for Best Supporting Mammal in a chipmunk-slaying goes to..."

    nice post there, Sam. But who in the world is Eric Heatherly?

    Good to hear that the weather's treating y'all right. We've got about 2 feet on the ground here, and it's still coming down outside.

    By Blogger Rube, at 5:16 PM  

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